Friday, October 26, 2012

The Benevolent Genius

Robert has never woken up and questioned his existence a day in his life. He rationalizes that everyone's perceptions are the same and has agreed on this with many of his friends over a cold beer late at the bar. Every time he looks back on a series of photographs from his childhood and plans out his future he believes that that is the same person: past, present, and future. However, Robert has never felt like he is in control. Every action that happens in his little Utopia feels predetermined, but he is perfectly fine accepting that. Actually, the reasoning for Robert never questioning anything is the fact that he's never had a bad day in his life; everything is simply a  matter of going through the motions.
The fact of the matter is that Robert doesn't remember the operation, nor the form he signed handing his brain over to the Happy-Go-Lucky Brain Trust (HGLBT). A corporation of scientists and surgeons who have perfected the removal of brain transplants into a vat from which they can completely, physiologically stimulate the brain unto which the 'patient' seems to be living a perfect life. The HGLBT, founded in 2002 has successfully performed 11 Billion brain transplants between two competing benefactors to the company. With the rise of Social Psychology in the late 1990's, two scientific geniuses developed the transplant technique and instituted the medical procedure in 2001 after careful testing began in 1996. However, after a quarrel in the lab about the state that participants should be placed in, the two scientists went separate ways until they were funded by the United Nations to make a unified population in an attempt to ascertain world peace. Unfortunately, the population was too large for one scientist to handle and the task was split between the two scientists who developed the techniques and their proteges. Social psychologists then began to examine the circumstances that the two test groups were placed in; Robert's group were under control of the 'Benevolent Genius' - a kind-hearted mastermind who created a utopia of no questioning and perfect existence. The second group belonged to the 'Evil Genius', who created a very 'realistic' world where everything seemed to function according to many different laws, and there was God, and free will, and difference in perceptions, and an evolution of identity, and things go wrong, and everything is challenged. The real question is: Which genius operated on you?

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